Our news
2018-2019 Preseason Update #5
Finally, our last preseason post of 2018-thank you to everyone who has been following along with the team! Before starting with business subteams, here’s a glimpse at a communication scenario that may help during tense times in build season. Here’s the latest from Awards: they have continued working on revisions for Chairman’s essays and finished…
Girls of Steel FTC 9820, 9821, & 9981 Update #3
Our first meeting after the scrimmage was on Tuesday, November 13, 2018. We spent the first part of our meeting discussing what happened at the scrimmage, and how we could improve upon our robot. Later in the meeting, we proceeded to make design changes to our robots based on what we saw at the competitions.…
2018 SWATposium
On November 16th, Girls of Steel traveled north to Oakville, Ontario in Canada. The next morning, we attended the conference hosted by SWAT (FRC team 771), Canada’s first all-girls team. We enjoyed a keynote speech by Karthik Kanagasabapathy about helping other FIRST teams and the benefits of Gracious Professionalism®. We gave two presentations, one that…
Girls of Steel FIRST LEGO League Projects – Into Orbit
Our four FIRST LEGO teams have been meeting twice a week since August. They wanted to share with you highlights of their Into Orbit research projects. FLL Team 2641 CM Blues Hello from the CM Blues Team! Our team number is 2641 and consists of 8 members: Sophia, A.G., Amy, Denisse, Eternity, Noah, Peter,…
2018-2019 Preseason Update #4
The Girls of Steel team is closing in on the end of preseason, but there is still a lot of work to be done before our holiday party and the unveiling of the End-of-Preseason-Project!! Beginning with the business part of the team, the Awards girls worked very hard these past few weeks and completed the…
Girls of Steel FTC 9820, 9821, & 9981 Update #2
Here is update #2 from the Girls of Steel FTC teams Hypatia, Hopper, and Lovelace. At Meeting 7, on October 30th, all of the teams finished the basic model of their chassis. We also learned how to break chains and how to attach them to our robots. The process of breaking chains and attaching…
Girls of Steel at the White House
We were invited to attend the “Pledge to America’s Workers” event at the White House on Wednesday, October 31st. Early that morning, we all excitedly met at the airport and after going through security, we went to Starbucks and talked about what we were most looking forward to that day, like meeting Ms. Ivanka Trump…
2018-2019 Preseason Update #3
The Girls of Steel are halfway through preseason! The girls are excited and working hard in preparation for our fast-approaching end to preseason and our EOPP unveiling. Quick follow-up: We went to the Rah Cha Cha Ruckus competition on October 27th and received the “Alien Invaders” Award! Starting with our business side, the girls were…
Girls of Steel FTC 9820, 9821, & 9981 Update #1
A new season of Girls of Steel FTC has started! We were introduced to FTC at the 3-hour FTC boot camp on September 16th and our weekly meetings started on Tuesday, September 18th. At boot camp we played around with the pieces that we would actually use for the season. We…
Power Up! Rah Cha Cha Ruckus
On October 27th, several Girls of Steel members and mentors traveled to Rochester, New York to compete at the Rah Cha Cha Ruckus, which is an off-season FIRST Power Up Competition, loosely based on a Halloween theme. Ruckus is sponsored by several Rochester and Western New York-area FIRST teams! We brought our 2018 competition robot,…