Our news

  • 2018 Build Season Week 6

    Our final week of Power Up! build season was stressful and very busy, but successful. The whole team finished up last minute jobs and projects, trying to get our robot as close to perfection as we can before bag and tag. On Tuesday, February 13th, we had our weekly all hands meeting and discussed some…


  • 2018 Week Zero Scrimmage at NREC

    2018’s Week Zero Scrimmage on February 17, 2018 was extremely exciting as each team competed in this year’s FIRST game of Power Up! The schedule of the day was the team check ins at 10:30 in which teams would bring in their robots and fill out or hand in release  forms, getting ready for the…


  • 2018 Build Season Week 5

    We can’t believe that it is already week 5 of build season! We have accomplished so much in the past weeks and we are so excited that competition season is on the horizon. On Tuesday we had our weekly All Hands meeting where we officially announced our competition season leadership council.  This year we will…


  • 2018 Build Season Week 4

    Lions, Tigers, and… Robots? Oh my! The week starting January 29th, the 4th week of build season, the Girls of Steel had a very action-packed adventure! Monday, girls came in early to get a head start on the excitement. We worked on our lift mechanism, and trained girls in the art of riveting! Just like…


  • 2018 Build Season Week 3

    Just finished the third week of build season! Girls are tapping, riveting, designing, and testing! At Tuesday’s all hands meeting, we heard about all the new outreach events for the spring and we started brainstorming names for our practice and competition robot. The official names will be coming out next week! As for the building,…


  • 2018 Build Season Week 2

    Week 2 of Build Season is now over, and so much progress has been made by the Girls of Steel! This week we congratulated the FTC teams and FLL teams after they attended their competitions and finished their seasons!  That’s a lot of cake, but they deserved it. Now more about build season! In recent…


  • 2018 Build Season Week 1

    Happy build season! The six week FRC Power Up build season has officially begun, and we are hard at work. On Saturday, January 6th, we all met at CMU to watch the 2018 game reveal. This year’s game is FIRST Power Up, inspired by retro video games.  A rookie team we are mentoring, FRC 7274,…


  • 2017-2018 Preseason Update #3

    The week of Dec. 12th brought us to the end of preseason 2017-2018!! The Girls of Steel team has accomplished so much these past 11 weeks. The Awards team was able to write all of their essays for the different awards. The Finance team worked on many fundraisers, such as the Sarris Candies Holiday fundraiser,…


  • Girls of Steel FTC 9820 and 9981: Update #3

    The Girls of Steel FTC (First Tech Challenge) teams have been continuing with regular all hands meetings (November 14, 28, December 5, 12, & 19)  as well as meetings added on Sunday afternoons for preparing for the Pittsburgh Area scrimmage that was on December 9, 2017 at Peters Township Middle School.  Our teams’ robots are pictured…


  • 2017-2018 Preseason Update #2

    Preparing for build season is a monumental task for the Girls of Steel. We need to make sure that everyone, including the new girls, feels completely confident in their skills that are needed for build season to run as smoothly as possible. To make sure that everyone remembers how to be safe in the high…