Our news
STEAMWORKS Championships
We just recently returned from St. Louis, where our team competed in the First Robotics Competition Championship! We had the honor of competing inside the giant America’s Center Dome for the last time before the Championship’s transition to Detroit next year. The competition was incredibly exciting. The championship was split into four days, the first…
STEAMWORKS Buckeye Regional
Last weekend, March 29 to April 1st, the team traveled to Cleveland Ohio for the Buckeye Regional! It was a great 3 days filled with excitement! Late Wednesday evening, our load in team brought in the robot and helped set up the pit for the days ahead. On Thursday morning, the girls got to fixing…
STEAMWORKS Greater Pittsburgh Regional
The Girls of Steel traveled to California University of Pennsylvania March 16-18, 2017 for our first regional, The Greater Pittsburgh Regional, with the fabulous MO! We did phenomenally, with awards won and matches dominated, so all in all it was a great weekend for everyone on the team. Thursday, the first day of competition, held some…
STEAMWORKS Build Season Week 6
Week six of build season for the girls of steel is over!!! The last week of build season was very efficient and we finished with a bang! Although it was the sixth week, the girls persevered and kept working hard all the way to the end. During this week, programming worked on velocity tuning for…
STEAMWORKS Week Zero Scrimmage
On February 18, 2017, Girls of Steel hosted 12 teams at our annual Week Zero Scrimmage held in our practice field within the National Robotics Engineering Center (NREC). Teams from all over Pennsylvania brought their robots to test and compete before the six-week build season is over. Before the matches, people had a chance to…
STEAMWORKS Build Season Week 5
It is week five of build season and the Girls of Steel are still going strong! This past week, a lot of progress was made on our robots. Since there is only one week left, we are working hard to be as efficient as we can. The week started on Monday, February 6th, where the Mechanical…
STEAMWORKS Build Season Week 4
Week four was very efficient and a lot of progress was made by the Girls of Steel. Monday started the week off well; all the girls worked very hard. Programming worked on vision alignment and implementation, continued motion planning implementation, and tested the manipulator code. The mechanical team prototyped the fuel shooter, finished the gear ramp…
STEAMWORKS Build Season Week 3
Week three of build season for the Girls of Steel went splendidly! A lot of work was completed, but there is much more to do. We are halfway through build season!! On the first meeting of the week, Monday, many tasks were accomplished, Electronics girls started practice electronics board and Programming started working on vision…
STEAMWORKS Build Season Week 2
The second week of build season is over and a lot was completed during the four meetings that took place this week. It started off with our first meeting on Monday, where we got straight to work. The electronics team finished running the tubing for the temp e-board, and the mechanical girls worked on bumpers.…
STEAMWORKS Build Season Week 1 & more
This past week was the first official week of build season for the Girls of Steel and we are off to a great start. Now, the high school girls are required to come to GoS for an average 10 hours a week, for the next 6 weeks. For kickoff, January 7th, the team was invited…