Our news

  • Girls of Steel Mentor and Team Member Travel to China

    On November 16th, 2016, Tom Pope (GoS mentor) and Anne Kailin “AK” Northam (GoS student) flew to Shenzhen, China for a weeklong trip to promote FRC in the area. They were accompanied by Tao Lin, a mentor of team 6414 Voyager from the Shenzhen Foreign Language School. Around half of Voyager’s students came to the…


  • The World’s Most Powerful Women In Tech 2016

    Here’s to a great way to end 2016 – A post by Tom Fisher, founder of Invest Smarter Publishing. Technology has afforded us to make our everyday lives easier. We no longer have to wait for days to communicate with our friends and relatives who are on the other side of the world. We can…


  • 2016-2017 Preseason Meeting #11

    It’s the last meeting before Kickoff! A little snow and a cold going around kept more girls from the meeting than usual so everyone that could make it picked up the slack. To start off, everyone collected their Sarris Candies fundraiser orders and then got down to business. As usual, we went through the all hands slides and…


  • 2016-2017 Preseason Meeting #10

    Preseason meeting number ten (12/6/16) went splendidly, we have only one more mandatory meeting for all the girls after today. We cannot believe that build season is just a couple weeks away. The meeting began with the All Hands Meeting, at which we went over the All Hands Slides. We went over the agenda, schedule,…


  • 2016-2017 Preseason Meeting #9

    Our ninth Girls of Steel Preseason meeting (11/29/16) went well. Every girl is working hard and contributing to the team, we have three more weeks (including this week) to get everything done before build season. We began the meeting with our All Hands Meeting (all hands slideshow link), where we all convened and went over…


  • 2016-2017 Preseason Meeting #8

    Preseason meeting #8 (November 22nd) was great!! Only about six more weeks ’til build season and everyone is working hard! We started off with our All Hands meeting, as always, and we went over the agenda for the day, and answered a “question of the week”. Then we continued breaking down the new Girls of…


  • 2016-2017 Preseason Meeting #7

    Preseason Meeting #7, November 15th, went just as great as the rest, We are gliding through pre-season smoothly, and getting closer build season! Just as always, we began with our All Hands Meeting where we went over the agenda for the day and question of the week. Then we did something different, we broke down…


  • 2016-2017 Preseason Meeting #6

    The 6th preseason meeting of Girls of Steel, November 8th, went very smoothly as always!  The girls came back with determination to get some work done!  Emotions are high for all of the Girls of Steel this meeting, as it is election day! And everyone is watching the polls closely. We started off our meeting…


  • 2016-2017 Preseason Meeting #5

    Starting off discussing our goals and mission statement, our 5th meeting (November 1st) went extremely well! As a reminder, our dues were due the 31st, so if you did not get them in, please send them ASAP. We got great updates on our FLL teams and our outreach goal to reach 5,000 people personally is…


  • 2016-2017 Preseason Meeting #4

    The fourth Girls of Steel Preseason Meeting on October 25th (or the fifth if you count the New Girl Orientation Meeting) went spectacular! The girls came back ready to work! We started off with our weekly All Hands Meeting, where we went over our agenda for the day and our team goals and principles. We…