Our news
2016-2017 Preseason Meeting #3
Our third Girls of Steel preseason meeting, October 18, 2016, was a very successful one! First, the team started off the meeting with our usual All Hands Meeting, we went outside to take some great team pictures, and played a game during Triad Fun Time. The FTC girls attended the All Hands Meeting, and then…
2016-2017 Preseason Meeting #2
It’s another fun meeting on October 11, 2016 for the Girls of Steel Robotics team! First, as always, we started with the All Hands Meeting, then went onto technical time, and finally business time. The team decided to have triad fun time every other week, so we could fit in 30 minutes just for triads…
2016-2017 Preseason Meeting #1
Our second meeting (the first official preseason meeting on October 4th) went phenomenally, and most girls attended and with bright happy smiles! The meeting started with our traditional All Hands Meeting, then 2 rotations, business time, and finally triad time. The FTC girls attended the All Hands Meeting, started working on completing the tasks for…
2016-2017 New Girl Orientation Meeting
The Girls of Steel started the 2016- 2017 season off with a bang! The first meeting was the “New Girl Orientation Meeting” on September 27th for all new girls – new junior members, new high school members, and former junior members who are now joining the high school team – began with a quick introduction…
2016 FIRST Championships
Last month we packed up our robot and traveled to Saint Louis for the FIRST World Championships in St. Louis, April 27th to April 30th. St. Louis was filled with fun and excitement. We shipped Byte off through FedEx weeks before and our amazing mentor Chuck drove a van all the way to Missouri full…
2016 Queen City Regional Competition
It has been a week full of recovery after one awesome regional – the week 5 Queen City Regional in Cincinnati, OH, March 30-April 2, 2016.! Thank you to the sponsors, mentors, and parents who enable us to participate and learn in the wonderful program of FIRST. This year, our robot has truly performed amazingly…
2016 Greater Pittsburgh Regional Competition
We recently took our 2016 robot, Byte, to the Greater Pittsburgh Regional Competition at California University of Pennsylvania, March 10-12, 2016 to compete in the FIRST Stronghold Challenge! It was a great experience that was fun and educational at the same time. New girls and returning girls alike were able to discover the fun…
SWE “Speed Networking” Event
On Tuesday, March 1st, we kicked off competition season in an exciting way – a meeting with SWE- Society of Women Engineers from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU). SWE visited us at CMU to talk with GoS and offer advice and counsel about being women in STEM. We met in small groups with several CMU students…
The Rookie Season for FTC team 9820
This rookie FTC season was one with many different challenges and learning opportunities. We learned about the different obstacles of being a FIRST team and learned how to overcome them as an individual and as a team. Mentoring FTC was new for all the Girls of Steel students and mentors, but we got a lot…
2016 Build Season: Week 6
On Tuesday, February 16th, we had our junior members shadow some of our older high school members around for the night as girls worked on the two robots, Byte and Bug. “Shadowing a girl has significantly developed me as a FIRST participant and this experience will further me in the coming years,” said junior member,…