Our news
Post-Season FRC Scrimmage
Hi everyone! This past Saturday, April 11th, we, along with another FRC team, SHARP, held the annual Post Season FRC Scrimmage at the CMU/Girls of Steel Robotics Practice Field. We had seven different teams come out to watch their robot go up against other FRC teams robots. The overarching theme for this event was “fun”.…
2015 Buckeye Regional
Hello everyone! The past couple of weeks have been full of excitement. We recently took our robot, Ada, to the Buckeye Regional Competition in Cleveland, Ohio. This year we were one of three all girls teams competing at Buckeye – Murphy’s Outlaws (FRC 677), Fighting Unicorns (FRC 2399), and Girls of Steel (FRC 3504). The…
Buckeye Pow-wow!
Hi everyone! In preparation for our competition at Buckeye this weekend, we had a pow-wow on Tuesday to get the team in spirit! To update you on the robot since Pittsburgh: we have decided to remove the doors and fingers, we have made the shack arms more efficient by lengthening the grippers and we have…
2015 Pittsburgh Regional
Hi everyone! Have you missed reading these blog posts? Don’t worry, we have LOTS to share in this one. I’ll start with the big things first: Our robot had a major makeover this past weekend! Can you guess which two subsystems got taken off? If you guessed the doors and fingers, then you are right!…
Bag & Tag/Week Zero
We can’t believe that build season is over! The robot is bagged and tagged, after an exciting weekend of Week Zero with teams 2656, 3260, 3955, 4031, and 4150!! At Week Zero, we gave the other teams in Pittsburgh a chance to compete and test out their robot! We held matches as well as just had…
Build Season Week 5
Week 5 was one of our most successful weeks so far! We have made lots of progress and are excited to share it with you! First of all, our robot now has a name – Ada – in honor of the first female programmer! 🙂 Ada’s electronics and pneumatics are completely done, as well as…
Build Season Week 4
I hope everyone’s build season is going great!! During week 4, we really picked up the pace on our robot. We fully completed the chassis and managed to get it to drive in less than half an hour!! We started our second chassis for our practice robot with small changes, and are planning to replace…
Build Season Week 3
We can’t believe we’re halfway through build season!! This week, we made lots of progress on our chassis and manipulator mechanisms. Our U-chassis has been completely welded and is in the process of assembly. Our trifold, the ‘walls’ between which the stacks of totes and containers will be built, is in the process of fabrication…
Build Season Week 2 & FLL Regionals
Week 2 was just as busy as Week 1! In Mechanical, we finished the bottom part of our U-chassis! We added a new part – the ‘doors’ – which function to hold the stacks from falling out of the U-chassis. Programming worked on autonomous and the mechanum drive, as well as finishing most of the…
Build Season Week 1
The first week of build season was hectic yet successful. Starting with a five hour brainstorming session following icy roads on kickoff morning, we designed, prototyped, CADed, tested new wheels, and began the chassis of our robot! Chassis & Programming: We are currently working on a U-shaped chassis with mecanum wheels. By Thursday, programmers had…