Our news

  • Preseason Meeting #12

    Today in Girls of Steel, we had our last preseason meeting.  This was the last day for the girls to build their team’s End of Preseason Project robot.  To start off the meeting, the girls went over a presentation addressing what the start of build season will look like.  During this presentation, we also had…


  • Preseason #11 & Dr. Chris Atkeson Visit

    Tuesday was an exciting day at Girls of Steel! Dr. Chris Atkeson, a professor at Carnegie Mellon University who inspired the robot Baymax in the new movie Big Hero 6 came to speak to us! He told us how he was involved and the reality of inflatable robots. He also passed out action figures of…


  • Preseason Meeting #10 & EOPP

    Today Girls of Steel held their 10th preseason meeting.  During the start of the meeting, the End of Preseason Project (EOPP) was announced and presented.  The EOPP involves two teams, the blue team and orange team, to build a fully functioning robot over the course of the next three meetings.  This means the team only…


  • SCRA & Preseason Meeting #9

    This week has been filled with excitement! On Sunday, we hosted the SCRA (Steel City Robotics Alliance) Workshops at Carnegie Mellon. There were four sessions, each with 5-6 workshops, presented by various teams, mentors, judges and students, that attendees were able to choose from. We gave several workshops: Fundraising 101, Beta-Testing Results and Building a…


  • Preseason Meeting #8

    This week in our preseason meeting, we began with a presentation by Mr. Eppinger, who explained the step by step process of how to access and use the Girls of Steel affiliated Amazon website.  After this helpful session, Patti announced the winner of the previous week’s talent time – great job to these girls who…


  • Preseason Meeting #7 & 2014 SWATposium 2014

    At our last preseason meeting, we accomplished many great things! First, during the business meetings, we worked on event pages, the business plan, our presentation for the SWAT Symposium, and brainstormed for outreach. We met with a professor from CMU’s Tepper School of Business, who provided great guidance for our presentation! During the technical meetings,…


  • Preseason Meeting #6

    On Tuesday, November 4th we had our 6th preseason meeting!  We started off our meeting with “triad talent time.”  This fun-filled 15 minutes included talent acts such as dancing and singing.  Following our triad time, we went into our business sub-teams.  In media, we worked on event pages and blog posting.   Outreach also worked on…


  • Preseason Meeting #5 & Spaghetti Dinner

    On Tuesday, October 28th we had out fifth preseason meeting! For the first hour we split up into our business sub teams and worked on specific tasks as well as event pages to document all the things we have done each year! Our technical level training meetings today consisted of Welding, CADing, Mechanical, Electronics and…


  • Preseason Meeting #4 & Self Defense Class

    On Tuesday, October 21, we had our 4th preseason meeting! At this meeting, we had all technical level trainings, including CAD and welding, and worked on business tasks, like usual! We also had a meeting for all the Girls of Steel’s parents! At this meeting we talked about the schedule for the upcoming year and…


  • FRC Beta Testing

    We made good progress on testing the 2015 FRC Control System last week. We wrapped up the report to FIRST on putting the hardware on our summer/pre-season robot project and porting last year’s code to the 2015 environment. We had no big issues to report for either. The electronics were tested under low battery conditions…