Our news
On Tuesday the 11th, three Girls of Steel members went to Hershey for the Pennsylvania Education Technology Expo & Conference (PETE&C). There we presented in the student expo during the morning. We brought Eve (our robot from last year) and showed her off to the crowd. After answering a billion of questions and demonstrating the robot’s…
End of Week 4!
The robot is finally coming together! This week our goal was to have the robot completed. Although we did not meet our goal, we have made excellent progress and adjusted our schedules accordingly. We started off the week with a driving chassis and a regular, plain chassis. By the end of the week we were able to…
Week 4
This week during Girls of Steel, we face some challenges but over-all made excellent progress on the robot. Though delayed by SATs and bad weather, Girls of Steel managed to finished fabrication of the chassis and second chassis. The drive team had their first practice and learned a lot about driving, and more importantly, debugging.…
End of Week 2
Moving Chassis! This week we managed to accomplish the impossible – sticking to the schedule! Our goal was to have a moving chassis by the end of Saturday, and we accomplished just that. All week each sub-team was hard at work mounting motors, putting on the wheels, adding chain, wiring and mounting electronics, and…
End of Week 1
Girls of Steel has had meetings Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday, and Monday this week and we have gotten so much done in that time span. We have welded our chassis together, finished our system diagrams, and designed our major components. The design however is still a work in progress. We have begun to prototype; so far…
End of week one! We have a working prototype of the…
End of week one! We have a working prototype of the collector/shooter, full CAD is in the works, the electrons board is being laid out, and programming is in full swing. Looks like we are going to be doing some target tracking so this is going to …
This weekend marked the beginning of our build season! The Girls of Steel attended kickoff at Central Catholic High School, right across the street from CMU. Over 30 girls attended kickoff, and got to watch the game reveal live on the big screen. This year’s game is Aerial Assist, a soccer-volleyball crossover with a 25 inch ball. We…
Girls of Steel uniform in the Kickoff Broadcast!
Girls of Steel uniform in the Kickoff Broadcast!
Final Week of Preseason!
Today we split up into our three mechanical groups, electronics, programming, and mechanical. The electronics girls were hard at work learning about sensors and signals of the robots. Electronics team members had the opportunity to take the level four test. The programming girls had a long discussion about coding, particularly about drive code. In mechanical training,…