Our news
superjezmeralda: Cyber Candy’s Christmas robots.
superjezmeralda: Cyber Candy’s Christmas robots.
rhetoricallyyours: The Democratic women of the 113th Congress
rhetoricallyyours: The Democratic women of the 113th Congress
Preseason is over! Time for Build Season 🙂
For the Girls of Steel, preseason meetings are over. Now all that is left to do is count down until kick-off, which is at 10:30 am on January 5th. That means only 17 and a half more days!!! For any of you that are interested, a countdown clock was made and can be seen here.…
Springy CAD Simulation, as promised!
Springy CAD Simulation, as promised!
George and Shana Blog, 5 Dec. 2012 Unit 2 Lesson 3, Modifying…
George and Shana Blog, 5 Dec. 2012 Unit 2 Lesson 3, Modifying Material Properties Sustainability Xpress and Simulation Xpress features that are “great” This tutorial uses a part that we haven’t drawn yet. We decided to just use the bracket we drew in Lesson 2 (hopefully you saved yours). Tools > Sustainability Xpress, then selected…
December 11, 2012 Preseason Meeting
During this past Tuesday’s meeting, the girls talked about various updates and announcements involving the sub-teams, including goals, outreach events like the Romibo Project, and future events and programs. Another major thing that came up in the meeting is that this past meeting is the last preseason meeting before build season. Brace yourselves, ladies! As…
December 1, 2012 Girls of Steel Outreach Event at CMU with students from FAME
ft. Delicious Cornbread
The Girls of Steel have begun to sell Light Bulbs! Huzzah!
The Girls of Steel have begun to sell Light Bulbs! Huzzah!
ianbrooks: Hand-Cut Curiosity Sculpture by Arnold Martin /…
ianbrooks: Hand-Cut Curiosity Sculpture by Arnold Martin / Absurd Realities The saddest realization I ever had in life was that I’ll never be able to have my very own Curiosity Rover to ride and take on walks and talk about science stuff with. A…
"Absolutely water game I’m never gonna give that up Never gonna let it drown Never gonna swim around,…"
“Absolutely water game I’m never gonna give that up Never gonna let it drown Never gonna swim around, and hurt you Never gonna make you dive, Never gonna say goodbye” – Libby Kamen (via first-ers)