Our news
The Girls of Steel, along with many others, will be attending…
The Girls of Steel, along with many others, will be attending the Mini Maker Fair in Pittsburgh on September 22nd! Stop by to see all the cool things the fair will have to offer: http://pghmakerfaire.com/2012/09/13/meet-the-makers-robots-monsters/
Bake Sale at CMU
There will be a GoS bake-sale taking place tomorrow (Saturday, September 7) from 10:00 AM till 2:00 PM. The sale will be on the “cut” at CMU. Please come support us!
Last Sunday the Girls of Steel were at the Consol Energy Center…
Last Sunday the Girls of Steel were at the Consol Energy Center for the Explorer Series! We had several activities set up to teach the kids about different aspects of the robotics team; from programming to safety to machining. Overall, it went …
The Girls of Steel are at the very first Explorer Series by the…
The Girls of Steel are at the very first Explorer Series by the Pittsburgh Penguins foundation on August 19th ready to have fun and interact with all the kids coming to the Consol Energy Center for the event!
Check this out!
Hey everyone! Check out this post on our Rookie FIRSTs website! http://rookiefirsts.tumblr.com/post/27789848617/how-do-you-keep-everyone-up-to#disqus_thread
Leaving for St Louis tomorrow
We’re in Newton this year! Hope to see you all there!
Watson is ready to be shipped!
Everything is ready and packed and we’ll be shipping Watson tomorrow! St Louis in 14 days! WOOO!
Innovation in Control Award by Rockwell Automation
This past weekend was definitely a good one! With finally getting past inspection and fixing a few problems, we got Watson exactly where we want him. We did excellent in qualification rounds but were not picked for eliminations, BUT we received the innovation in control award! Thanks to all the parents and mentors who made this trip possible. We’ll…
Getting ready for Cincinnati!
FIVE Days until CINCI! And we are so excited! Between bagging up the tools and organizing the e-lab there just seems like too much to do! The highbay (or what I have lovingly dubbed the “hive”bay) is full of girls buzzing this way and that, fulfilling their tasks, and then going back to the list to get another…
Engineering Inspiration Award!
Congratulations girls on winning the Engineering Inspiration Award at the Pittsburgh Regional! St Louis here we come! Check out our album of pictures from the Pittsburgh Regional here!