Our news

  • Girls of Steel FTC 9820 and 9821: 2021-2022 Update #2 Team Progress

      Throughout the last month, since the last time we posted, we have made much progress! On our robots, we have made many plans and measurements about what attachments we are going to add that will help us gain more points during the Freight Frenzy game. We have also begun the construction of our robots,…


  • Girls of Steel 2022 InvenTeam: Update #1

    The Buzzband team is thrilled for the opportunity to work with Lemelson-MIT InvenTeams!  After receiving exciting news of Buzzband’s selection as one of the eight  2021-2022 Lemelson-MIT InvenTeam winners,  the team has been working on new assigned tasks. This November, we read and took notes on InvenTeam expectations found in the team handbook, allocated additional…


  • Realizing Rose’s Rules

    On Thursday, November 4th, we had guest speaker Ms. Roseanne Silva talk at our Business All-Hands Meeting. She is a SVP and Business Chief Technology Officer at PNC Bank. She talked about her responsibility of delivering technology infrastructure and her involvement with cybersecurity and fraud prevention. She is a Carnegie Mellon University alumna, recipient of…


  • 2021-2022 FRC Preseason Update #1

    Our First In-Person Meeting since March 2020! After 18 months of isolation on virtual meetings, on Tuesday October 19th Girls of Steel FRC reunited in person! Our first meeting was characterized by meeting new faces, reuniting with friends, and excitement about finally getting to work hands-on. We are lucky to be able to utilize our…


  • Girls of Steel FTC 9820 and 9821: 2021-2022 Update #1 Team Introductions

      Hello! We are the 2021 FTC teams for Girls of Steel Robotics! We consist of 9 team members that make up 2 teams: Hopper and Hypatia, along with our mentors, Maggie and Sarah, and the FTC Liaison, Lauren, in FRC. Up until recently, we have been meeting online. We had our first in person…


  • Highlights of Summer 2021 Outreach!

    Girls of Steel has been 100% virtual since March 2020, but that hasn’t stopped our outreach efforts. This summer, we even expanded our reach by offering our first ever hackathon for students in grades K-8.  We really miss meeting members of our community in person, but for now we are making excellent use of Zoom!…


  • GoSHacks Jr.

    From August 13-14, 2021, Girls of Steel successfully launched GosHacks Jr.– our first-ever hackathon– reaching 39 registered participants, receiving 20+ official project submissions, hosting 7 student-led workshops and panels with 5 Girls of Steel members as mentors, and distributing $400+ in awards and prizes donated by GitHub and Girls of Steel.  Participants were divided into…


  • 2021 Virtual National Advocacy Conference

    What is NAC? The National Advocacy Conference, or NAC, is run by the Student Association for STEM Advocacy (SASA). The Girls of Steel have participated in the SASA NAC twice before, in June 2017 and June 2018.  The NAC has been in existence for eight years, and students have participated from thirty states. This year…


  • 2020-2021 Competition Season Update

    Girls of Steel’s 2021-2022 season was unique with its own set of challenges, but the pandemic helped the team learn to adapt to virtual settings and work efficiently. Despite these differences, we had another successful year with starting new projects, developing STEM and leadership skills, and ongoing communication/team events.  In the 2021 competition season, we…


  • Girls of Steel x COVIDcast: Update #2

    Data Anomalies Blog Post Since our last update, the Girls of Steel COVIDcast group has been hard at work monitoring and providing suggestions for the COVIDcast website. In fact, a new version of the website was recently released, and it has been made more compatible for users accessing the data from a wide range of…