Our news
2020 Build Season Week 4
Coming out of week three, there was a lot of work to be done, and throughout week four, the team was able to handle it well! Stress management came into play and everyone was able to keep a level head and accomplish a lot. We are working towards having a complete first robot soon, and…
Girls of Steel Interview with Pratima Gluckman
This past March, Girls of Steel (GoS), along with Carnegie Mellon University, had the honor of hosting author and engineering leader Pratima Gluckman who traveled from California to visit for several events, including our Greater Pittsburgh Regional FIRST Ladies Meetup! The experience was extremely influential on GoS and FIRST community members, as she inspired us…
2020 Build Season Week 3
Girls of Steel has had a successful two weeks of build season so far, but going into this third week there was a lot to continue doing! Something that the team needed to keep in mind this week was how quickly build season is moving on. The first few weeks always feel like there is…
Girls of Steel FTC 9820, 9821, & 9981: Update #4 Southwestern PA Qualifier
HYPATIA: Team 9820, Girls of Steel Hypatia finished the season off strong by coming in 13th place at the Southwestern PA qualifier on January 11th. At the beginning of the day, after passing inspections, three of our team members went out and scouted. From the last competition, we learned that it is vital…
2020 Build Season Week 2
Week 2 was a jam-packed week full of prototyping, assembling, and testing. This week, the team had 4 meetings: Saturday, Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. All of the subteams had a productive, engaging, and successful set of meetings. Week 1’s goal featured finishing the chassis, however this task extended into Week 2 and the chassis…
2020 Build Season Week 1
This was a very exciting week for Girls of Steel! Starting with one of the biggest days of the season, kickoff! Kickoff was on January 4th and most of the Girls of Steel watched from Carnegie Mellon University, but some of us went to the local kickoff event to pick up the of parts and…
2019-2020 Preseason Update #4
Girls of Steel has been working on a lot of exciting projects recently, which was continued in the business meeting on November 19th. The finance team planned another Choolaah fundraiser, but this time on a Wednesday in December on the 11th. They also put together the Pittsburgh Popcorn fundraiser which will hopefully run in February.…
Girls of Steel FTC 9820, 9821, & 9981: Update #3 West Central PA Qualifier
The first qualifier, December 7th, West Central PA Qualifier, at Pitt Johnstown, and the scrimmage, November 23rd at North Catholic, were vastly different. In the scrimmage, teams had very little code ready and almost no driving practice. The qualifier was different and much better for all teams. Early into the competition, Hopper decided to…
Girls of Steel FTC 9820, 9821, & 9981: Update #2
This is only our second blog post, but the progress we have made since our first one is tremendous. With the scrimmage behind us and our first qualifier approaching, all three of our teams switched into high gear and worked extremely hard in order to build operating robots. We made lots of changes and advancements,…
Girls of Steel FIRST LEGO League Projects – City Shaper
Our four FIRST LEGO teams have been meeting once a week since August 2019 ending after the competition on December 14, 2019. They wanted to share with you highlights of their City Shaper research projects. Their challenge was to choose a problem with a building or public space, create a solution, and share it. The…