Our news

  • Robotics Facts That You Should Know

    Anyone familiar with science fiction knows how important robots are to our vision of the future. Ask the average person to describe what life will be like in 100 years, and the chances are good that he or she will mention robots. But in most modern manufacturing facilities, the future is already here. Thanks to advancements made by…


  • 2019-2020 Preseason Update #3

    The whole team is pushing through preseason and making incredible progress on end of preseason technical projects (EOPPs) – more on that below. Media is thinking creatively to make a robot display to celebrate our tenth year anniversary! They are also working on an info sheet to promote the team and spread information other teams…


  • 2019-2020 Preseason Update #2

    The Girls of Steel sub teams are working through a rigorous preseason and are actively completing their goals! Beginning with business, the finance team updated the sponsor letter and the business plan. Deciding which expenses this year’s crowdfunding fundraiser will cover went from robot parts to travel, at least in part. They thoroughly discussed this…


  • Girls of Steel FTC 9820, 9821, & 9981: Update #1

    The Girls of Steel FTC 2019-2020 Season SKYSTONE has begun! Here is our first blog post discussing the progress we’ve had so far this season!  We meet twice a week on Tuesdays and Thursdays at CMU.  We have the same meeting schedule as the Girls of Steel preseason, except that our events and competitions are…


  • Leadership Lessons with Leanne Meyer

    Every year we host fantastic female role models for Girls of Steel.  Past speakers include Julia Parsons, WWII codebreaker; Carnegie Mellon University Professors Henny Admoni and Jessica Hodgins; and PPG executive Rebecca Liebert. Girls of Steel was pleased to have Leanne Meyer, the Executive Director of the Accelerate Leadership Center at the Tepper School of Business…


  • 2019-2020 Preseason Update #1

    Welcome to the 2019-2020 season of FIRST!  We started off our 10th season in FIRST on September 15th with a Boot Camp for our FTC girls. The FTC girls are all new to FTC so the boot camp is designed for them to get to know each other while learning to use the robotics kits…


  • Highlights of Summer 2019 Outreach

    As usual, the summer of 2019 was packed with amazing outreach events for Girls of Steel! We continued our summer camps, attended and hosted events, and worked towards our finance goals. We worked hard throughout the summer to transition into a 2019-2020 successful season filled with more opportunities to work with the community! “Festival in…


  • Destination Deep Space: Steel City Showdown!

    On August 3rd, the Girls of Steel attended the Steel City Showdown, held in the Wiegand Gym at Carnegie Mellon University, our home base! The competition featured 22 teams, 2 of which were our very own Robotics Feiyue camp teams, Feiyue Hurricane and Feiyue Tornado! More about the Feiyue program can be found here. We…


  • Destination Deep Space! WOW Championship

    Another successful year for Girls of Steel Robotics at WOW Championships! This was our third year qualifying for and competing at this event. The competition was held in Austintown, Ohio on May 18 at Austintown Fitch High School, going from 7:00 am until 6:00  pm. There were 12 girls in attendance that helped make it…


  • Destination Deep Space! Championships Detroit

    From April 24 to April 27, the Girls of Steel attended the 2019 World Championship in Detroit, after qualifying at the Greater Pittsburgh Regional with a wild card awarded to us as captains of the finalist alliance. The great news is that both of our alliance partners, FRC 4150 FRobotics and FRC 1787 Flying Circuits…