Our second meeting (the first official preseason meeting on October 4th) went phenomenally, and most girls attended and with bright happy smiles! The meeting started with our traditional All Hands Meeting, then 2 rotations, business time, and finally triad time. The FTC girls attended the All Hands Meeting, started working on completing the tasks for their team, and joined in at triad time.
The All Hands Meeting went very well. Our business leader Alexa discussed the expectations and lots of the leaders game miniature presentations on what their sub-teams do. Also, the team has and upcoming bonfire to meet and get to know the other girls! A recent decision by the Leadership Council made the meetings now begin at 5:30 and still end at 8:30. The rotations included a short presentation on Outreach which was insightful into that business sub-team. Our outreach leader created a document called Outreach 101 for all the girls on the team. When not at Outreach, the girls would go to Byte 101 which was a small demonstration about the robot from last season. Business time was nice to teach the girls about their recently chosen business sub-teams.

Triad fun time allowed the girls to grow closer and they swapped phone numbers to keep in contact. Our spirit lead set up a game of “Girls of Steel Jeopardy” and everyone got involved!
The FTC girls started to disassemble the robots that were built at one of our summer camps and learn about the game this season. They learned about the building components, about the tools, and how everything is organized. Next week they plan to start building the chassis and learning how to assemble the electronics. A few workshops are coming up for them, including the Program It! and Drive It! Workshops, which we are hosting at the CMU/Girls of Steel Practice Field at NREC.
It was a great first official meeting for everyone and went about smoothly and efficiently!