During week 4 we know we’re approaching the deadline for Miami Valley Regional; the team has been working at the peak of its productivity.

The collector team finished cutting designs for the collector prototype and assembled it. The mechanical team started to build the competition robot; voted to be named Laika by the entire team, with the practice robot to be named Belka.

Sides of both the robots were fixed to be even, and the team is currently working on attaching the wheels and driving the practice robot around. The chassis team has finished building the chassis for Laika and is working on integrating mechanisms and cutting plates as well. The programming team is working on vision code and the Lidar sensor code. Recently, they collaborated with other sub teams to test the climber code on Belka. They are also working on code for the collector.

The electronics team has started to create the electronics board for the Laika as well as working with the design team to use CAD software to design the e-board’s structure.

Several junior members joined us for shadowing during Week 4! We also continued our work on the field elements for practicing.

Keep up the great work, team!