As we are coming close to the end of our build season, the Girls of Steel are working extremely hard to finish up our robots!! One more week left! On Saturday, February 2nd, our chairman’s team ran a chassis project workshop and it went great. Drive team started practicing this week! During our 4 build meetings and 1 drive meeting this week, lots of progress was made.

This week the electronics team cut and mounted all the parts onto the second E-board, Mounted the camera on the bar, and figured out a place for the driving camera and Lidar. The programming girls tested ScrewClimber and BabyDrive, wrote the Lidar code, tested the y-axis of the robot, and redid the pivot code.

For mechanical, the girls had a lot of work this week: they changed the motors on competition gearboxes, finished the bearing rectangles, started the ball screw system for Laika (our competition robot!), made the baby motor and baby chain, attached wheels and plates, and finished the new climber. For the collector, the girls fixed the pivot, cut the new collector plates, attached the plates, and assembled the new collector.

Also, our awards team has been making great progress with their Chairman’s presentation as well as with creating our team documents using Canva. We can’t wait to see the final products!

It was a busy week but everyone did their best work, as always. Miami Valley Regional is coming soon and excitement is building! We only have one more week till bag and tag – everyone, keep working hard!