Pennsylvania Clearances Guidelines

All adults and students over 17 (as of September 1st each year) need to get their Pennsylvania Act 153 “Keeping Kids Safe” clearances before working with or mentoring with Girls of Steel Robotics.

This process is independent of the background checks that FIRST Robotics requires if you intend to be a mentor or volunteer at a FRC, FTC, or FLL event.

We will initiate the process for any students who are 17 years or older.

If you are a Carnegie Mellon University employee or student and have your clearances already, email us at or use the Contact Us form and we’ll verify it with HR.

If you are a CMU employee/student without a clearance, or a non-CMU-affiliated adult, reach out to or use the Contact Us form and we will start the process with Carnegie Mellon University’s HR Department.

If you are an adult that is just dropping off or picking up a kid, you do not need clearances on file.

For other circumstances or questions, feel free to reach out to us.

The Clearance Process

The clearance process consists of three main parts:

CMU will pay for the fees for these clearances. You will receive documents from all three checks which you will send to CMU. Once we receive the go-ahead from them, we’ll happily bring you in.

Note that CMU requires the employee clearances and not volunteer clearances for our program, even if you are an unpaid volunteer.

Frequently Asked Questions

I have volunteer PA certifications. As an employee of the university, can I use them for volunteer work with a CMU-affiliated program with minors?

No. Employees of the university must have employee certifications on file in order to volunteer or work with minors through CMU affiliated programs. CMU will pay for the new certifications.

I am a student who is paid by CMU to work with a CMU summer program. Since it is on-campus and I am a full-time matriculated CMU student, do I need background certifications?

Yes. Because you are paid by CMU to work for a program with minors that requires background certifications, you are considered an employee and must have employee certifications. CMU will pay for the certifications.

I am an adult parent-volunteer with Girls of Steel. I applied for certifications, but have not yet received all of my results. Do I get a provisional period so that I can volunteer for an upcoming event without having all background certifications on file with Human Resources?  

No. PA residents who are volunteers are not granted a provisional period. You must have all certifications on file before you will be considered compliant. If you are experiencing delays, reach out to us, CMU, or the agency the background check is with (depending on the circumstance) to find out what is happening.

I am a parent/guardian of a Girls of Steel member. Can I work with my child during Girls of Steel projects as a mentor before receiving background certifications?

If you are interacting with other minors, you will need certifications on file before you begin work. If you are only working with your child, and no other minors, you may not need background certifications. It is important that we understand your role to determine if/when background certifications are necessary.