At Tuesday’s meeting we decided on the name for our robot! The name chosen was “Eve” as in the robot Eve from the movie Wall-e!

A new system for keeping track of how much each girl contributes was presented at the meeting as well. Rather than girls focusing on coming a certain number of hours each week, a point system was made.
Originally it was suggested that girls come to robotics around 10-15 hours a week, but now they are aiming for at least 10 points a week. We have a task board set up in the high bay with different colored index cards to indicate priority, and on the card is a description of the task, an estimated time it should take, and an estimated amount of points that will be given. Basically for every hour a girl takes to complete a task, one point is awarded. Leaders will give girls tasks to do, or they can get them from the board themselves.
After the discussion at the beginning of the meeting, girls set off to work. Most girls worked on finishing and testing certain parts of their group’s prototype and some girls CADed. Also during this time, anyone interested in being on the drive team participated in challenges and activities set up for them, emphasizing different skills needed to be on drive team.
After dinner, there was a long discussion about which protoypes to use for the robot, if it should pick up frisbees from the floor or just get them from the feeder station, how we should shoot, and if climbing is something we still want to keep as an option. It was decided that our robot will not pick up frisbees but only collect from the feeder station and that we will keep climbing as an option. We hope to start working more on the actual robot soon!